This majestic creature can be found in all parts of Kenya, both rural and urban areas. It can move at speeds of up to 40 miles per hour and follows no laws of man. Its roar can be heard from miles away and although they are many they travel alone wherever they go. It is commonly used for human transport and can carry up to 22 passengers – at least that’s as many as Emily and I have witnessed. Legally they are only allowed to carry 14.
The routes are supposed to be painted on the side (you can kind of see it says "Docks" behind the door), but it is always good to double check with the conductor when you get on.

Matatus are the main form of public transportation. They are similar in shape and size to a Volkswagen van but they appear to be made by Nissan. They have five compact rows with three small seats in each row. Each matatu has a driver (who doesn’t count as a passenger) and a conductor (who does). The conductor takes your money and alerts the driver when passengers want to exit, or alight, as they say here. You can let the conductor know you want to get off by tapping on the metal sides of the van.
It takes skills to get in and out!

The matatus have a wide variety of horns and sounds which they use to get your attention so you will board their bus. The conductors will often try to talk you into going wherever their route will take you to get you in the van. If there are several matatus going to the same place the conductors will try to convince you that their van is better than the others and herd you in that direction, although the price is never dropped.
Matatus don’t seem to follow any rules of driving. They are constantly cutting others off, stopping at any time to pick up a passenger and speeding as much as they can. Time is money after all. Although it is illegal they try to pack as many passengers into the van as possible if they think there are no cops ahead. As I mentioned the most Emily and I have been on with is 22 passengers.
The total today was 22, our high score! This was taken from the back row which contained 4 people.

This was a kid from church - don't worry I hardly ever do this to strangers.
We take matatus wherever we go each day. We know the prices for most of the routes we use by now but the conductors often try to over charge us. Our co-workers tell us that it’s because of the color of our skin and everyone assumes that white people, or colored people, as they say, have lots of money. This has been true with pretty much everything we have tried to buy for the first time. For example, the first time we took a bicycle ride (another form of public transport for short distances called a boda boda) the riders tried to charge us 200 Ksh each. I think we ended up paying 40 Ksh each and we later found out that the going rate is 20 Ksh. We have come to love price tags and despise bartering since we don’t know what a fair price is for most things.
Well we got a little off subject with this one but we feel that the tangent was apt.